We took a walk to the Turkey Point lighthouse, which was the only female-run lighthouse! Pretty cool fact!
Nature brings me peace and calm.
Being near the water and hearing the sounds of it flowing so beautifully.
Walking through the trees and seeing the art they create with their growth journey.
Grounding in the wet grass to be connected to the earths energy to align my energy.
The sunlight soaking vitamin D into my body, even through the clouds.
Most of what we need to get back to optimal health and wellness is right outside our door.
No pill, potions, lotions, powders etc can provide what good ol fashion nature can for you!
This is the support Anna Boyer Jennings will be giving you in the Freedom Creator Mastermind!!
We kick off in January!
Let’s do this journey together!
Much love
Coach Jackie
Early bird gets you 30% off for as long as you join!