What would love do?
Love would say yes to self
Love would say no to what doesn’t serve her
Love would see the fear and do it anyway
Love would set boundaries for self
Love would share their magic with the world
Love would trust their inner knowing
Love knows you are enough
Love knows you are worthy
Loves knows you are the Magic!!!
How will you love yourself more in the coming year than you already do? ❤
Much love
Coach Jackie ❤
Your Freedom Mentor and RV Adventurist
Love would say yes to self
Love would say no to what doesn’t serve her
Love would see the fear and do it anyway
Love would set boundaries for self
Love would share their magic with the world
Love would trust their inner knowing
Love knows you are enough
Love knows you are worthy
Loves knows you are the Magic!!!
How will you love yourself more in the coming year than you already do? ❤
Much love
Coach Jackie ❤
Your Freedom Mentor and RV Adventurist