Are you unemployable?

This came up in a FB memory from 2016 when I thought I was happily employed.

2 years later after being unhappy and crying many mornings in the parking garage before going into work, I got fired in 2018.

Took 6 months off and vacationed 6 times and then decided to go all in on my business in February 2019.

4 years later I’ve earned over 400k and have never said this again because what I do is my calling, my gifts, my passion, and has never felt like work!!

My mission….

To help you take whatever time off you desire without having to ask for permission.
To help you love what you do everyday so you never feel like you are working again.
To help leave the shoulds and step into what you are meant to be doing with passion and fulfillment.

And so much more!

Yes there are ups and downs in being a business owner but I have never liked back and know now I’m unemployable!!

Come be unemployable with me!

Much love
Coach Jackie
Your Freedom Mentor

2 spots open for 1:1 mentorship for January. PM me to set up a call.