What a perfect ending to my me day! Chilling in bed in my dark room watching Hallmark movies for half the day with no guilt. Got the best pedi they had on the menu with scrubs, multiple massages, soaking, and gel polish. Delicious dinner and drinks with one of my...
You stay strong to “muscle” through just to be seen as a success when it’s killing you slowly inside. You say “I got it” and don’t ask for help even though you know you need it cause you are burning out. You say “yes” to...
“Empower your next level women. . . .” What does that mean? Releasing what doesn’t serve you Setting boundaries for self Clear confident and consistent communication Saying No/Yes to what serves your values Embracing vulnerability as strength Stop...
Decide December. . . Decide its going to be a great day and ask for what you want to experience. This is something I have had to be very intentional about with my dad while here. I know I cant control another human but what I can control is my energy. Trust me I know...
I’m so grateful for FB memories! These are pics of Michael J. Morris and my first Thanksgiving together 7 years ago. We had all the kids and my parents drove down from NJ to visit and join us. I’m so grateful for that time and this time with my parents, no...