This man I get to call a friend, Ty Holmes is a man of service in every fiber of his body and I am sharing one of his groups that is collecting toys for the kids for Christmas and can use some help over the next week. He is a friend from high school and after his many...
DECIDE December. . . Decide to let yourself BE. Today I’m deciding to let myself BE Be with my feelings Be with my present situation Be with my fears Be with my sadness Be with my confusion Do you let yourself sit in the muck for any period of time? I never did...
It takes a village. . . Ive heard this mostly in reference to raising kids but it pertains to all aspects of life. Im finding this to be true as my family pulls together to care for the folks as much as we can. Then it hit me. . . It takes a village to be successful...
DECIDE December. . . Decide to look for what’s right vs whats wrong. In the last 24 hours Ive received messages and calls from clients and friends about the following. . . They just got notice that they won’t be employed by end of day Friday. Another is in...