When I asked the ladies that joined me in my free masterclass “SAY YES TO SELF” the last two days what their biggest takeaway was they all said that there were so many that they couldn’t pick just one!
Here is the feedback from Jodi L Clemmer who was all in both days and invested the time in herself to be there! Thank you, my friend! I’m so excited for what’s to come for you!!
Thank you! I don’t have just one!
I have to find out what I really want which is one BIG one that’s going to make me happy and drive me.
I have to believe and trust in myself.
When I am doing some thing, I have to be fully present and not be doing other things.
I need to release the stuff that’s been bogging me down for the last year and a half.
I need to be able to receive what is meant for me.
Let go of control from a place of survival and fear. I should be thriving instead of surviving.
I need to celebrate myself more.
I know I can follow the plan for myself with my Pilates and taking my walks, which is only going to make other areas of my life better and I just have to start.
These are a couple and so much more!
I feel like a weight has been lifted and I feel normal- knowing that I’m not the only one that has felt this way.
I was holding so much guilt for my situation and it froze me. I know things aren’t going to change overnight but I see myself a little different in a good way now.
It takes a community of women coming together to see that we are not alone and not meant to do this alone!
Join us in my Destiny Makers Membership and see what it’s like to truly be seen and heard and fully own who you are with no judgment and only love!
You get to stand in absolute certainty and confidence of your magic in the world unapologetically!
Want in?
Much love
Coach Jackie