I used to own a home (technically I’ve owned 4 homes in my past and sold all under the 3 year mark) with a pool in the back yard and we loved it!
What I didnt love was the maintenance and when things went wrong and it would bring on anxiety and money worries.
With this life style I get to enjoy it without dealing with maintenance or issues!
How I know I’m living the right life that I love right now is that even when we have things go wrong with the RV or vehicles and I dont get that anxiety or worry.
I just say ok lets get it fixed!
When we truly decide to live a life we love those default emotions arent as present as they used to be and truly become rewired into a new story of joy, fun and ease.
Are you there?
Living the freedom life you love?
Partially there?
On your way?
The biggest thing I know now is that we can decide in this very moment that we are there even without the external evidence.
Because it’s a Feeling.
How we feel creates our thoughts and our personal reality.
💲The money anxiety didnt change because I’m not spending money, it changed because how I feel about the experience the money is helping me live and create.💲
Feel into your life now the way you want your life to feel. . . And watch what happens!
Much love
Coach Jackie
Your Freedom Mentor and RV Adventurist