I receive this love!
I used to not let myself receive it because I had to be in control.
“I got it!” Was the go to answer when asked if I would like something done for me. It was like I had to prove I was in control.
Being a recovering “I Got It” girl I now know that when we have the need to be in control of everything we are coming from a place of fear and a place of survival.
Almost like the survival of the fittest equaled the ones who were in the most control!
This can be disguised as fiercly independant. Which I called myself for most of my life.
Dont get me wrong, being an independent, self sufficient, successful in my own right woman felt pretty badass!!
And. . .
I never truly let myself love or be loved by another fully and in vulnerability.
I never enjoyed being with myself, fully alone, and see how amazing I am.
I never let myself receive any assistance from others because that was a sign of weakness and loss of control.
There is good news!!!
It’s safe to loosen and eventually let go of that tight grip on control and trust that you will be ok.
Its safe to be vulnerable in a group of people and release and then receive the support offered.
Its safe to be alone with just you and love every moment with you.
Its safe to feel love and express love with no expectations or fear of abandonment.
If you feel like you are the “I got it girl” like I was lets talk!!
Lets see how you can be more fullfilled, happier, and free to fully BE you and lead from love so you can have the Freedom and Love life you desire!
I see you. I was you. I feel you. I love you!
Much love
Coach Jackie
Your Freedom and Love Mentor