10 years since my brother passed, dad had a stroke, and nephew was going through the beginnings of leukemia.
I’ve had amazing energy all week and today I woke up a bit lethargic and heavy. I then pulled my daily card and saw my fb memories that reminded me of 10 years ago.
The body doesn’t lie my friends. It remembers the past. Give yourself grace when you have a day where you don’t understand why you feel the way you do.
This card reminded me that we need darkness to see the light and truly experience all that comes with it.
My brother is in a beautiful place with no more struggle and having amazing food with my mom!
My dad is turning 91 soon and in amazing health physically and happy!
My nephew is in college, crazy tall, super smart, and ready to change the world because of his experience!
Have faith that the hard days are bringing light soon!
Much love
Coach Jackie
Your Freedom Mentor