If its not fun why do it??
We were clearing the room and table to do a picture of all of us and someone said we can get on the table. . . .so I did!!
What I’ve learned on the journey to OWNING who the FUCK I am is that I get to be me and that’s ENOUGH!
Its better than enough! It’s my magic! And I understand that now and OWN it!
There are things in our lives that we have been told are the wrong way to be or do something and it turns out that those are the things that make us magical!
Let’s find those things together and let them come back out and play!!
Were you. . .
Too loud?
Too confident?
Too unorganized?
Too last minute?
Too much?
Too sensitive?
Which one is it?
I challenge you to see how the thing is really your magic!
To own this part of you is one step to true freedom!
Let me know in the comments what you were told or still being told!
You be you boo!!
Much love
Coach Jackie
Your Freedom Empowerment Mentor
PS Freedom Creator Mastermind is open for enrollment. Lock in 2023 rates before 2024 rates begin!