You’re ok. . .
Ok to change the plan
Ok to make the investment
Ok to ask for help
Ok to cancel the plan
Ok to feel
Ok to trust
Ok to surrender
Especially when life throws you the human curve balls that you never expected.
Unexpected bill
Unexpected repair
Unexpected job change
Unexpected health change
Unexpected relationship
You get to be OK!
You get to feel the gratitude along with the pain.
You get to feel the joy along with the sadness.
You get to feel the excitement along with the disappointment.
The more we can let ourself be aware of it all.
The more we let ourself feel the feels
The more we can reset and grow into who we are becoming.
Today was a crazy day of resetting for me
RV went into the shop for an in and out service to get new tires and adjust the breaks and we ended with $7K in repairs and no home for 7 days. . .
Wow. . . We had no working brakes on a 26000lb home so our truck was doing overtime for us for who knows how long.
RESET. . .
Thanked God immediately for keeping my family and home safe while we drove 1000s of miles with no brakes!
Thanked God for just clearing on of my credit cards so I could pay for this and get it done asa
Thanked God for finding a home to keep my family safe and comfortable for only $400 for 7 days.
This thinking is very different than where I was juat a couple months ago when it came to money and debt.
I made a RESET which gave me my power back to see differently, feel differently, and believe differently.
My 6 week RESET group program was supposed to kick off tonight. I was beyond excited to be with the amazing women who have joined!
But life happened and took the different turn.
I had to change the start date so I could take care of home and be fully present for my clients.
We get to do this without guilt or shame.
The graciousness that these women showed for me when I had to change the day was beautiful.
This program was closing for enrollment but with this RESET I’m still excepting enrollments for the program till next week!
Much love
Coach Jackie
Your Freedom Mentor