Woke up yesterday excited to pack up and pick up our RV home from the shop after a week of not having it.
We get a call that it wont be ready till the next day. So we book another night and start to change all the plans we had.
Then we get a call that it will be done by 1pm! Woohoo! So we pack up and drive the 2 hours to the shop.
And sit there till 530pm when it finally finished.
My new RESET program was supposed to start last week and we lost our home. Moved to last night and that didnt happen.
I felt horrible but the women in my group were the most gracious and supportive souls that made me post pone it so we could get to where we needed to be and I could be fully present.
Soooo its still open for enrollment!! If you want to know how to RESET any area of your life so that you can quickly go through days like this with ease and grace let me know!!
Ok here is the rest of the story. . .lol
So we drive. . . Mike goes one way I go a different one. Its 11pm and we finally get to the destination after the GPS brought both of us into random dirt roads and corn fields with dead ends!
We park, set up, realize our generator is weak so we just use it for the residential fridge we need it for food and insulin for Roxy.
Time for bed at 1230am. Ahhhhhh yay!
430am angry banging on door, Mike and I half asleep, dogs going bananas and the RVer next to us is yelling turn off your generator!!
This is the first time at a harvest host location that this has happened.
So now wide awake and generator turned off we cant use water, the fridge, anything. We decide we will start it back up and move the unit further away.
Its dead. . Batteries are dead so the generator wont start.
So we go back to sleep for a couple hours till RV place opens and we can buy new batteries.
7am friendly neighbor man beeps his horn continuously until he leave the parking lot to wake us up again.
Because everything works out for us we got to the shop and they were super nice, got us 2 batteries, only 250 and we are back in business!
As much as sleep would be lovely right now we came here to visit the amazing Viki Mutarelli at her lake house for the day while making our way to Niagara falls tomorrow for the weekend.
Its a gorgeous day to be on the water with amazing people soaking in the vitamin d and peace and joy of living life.
We know that everything is temporary and there is always an upside to the downsides of the journey.
Im so excited for the rest of my birthday month of travel and landing in Colorado to settle in for a while and chill!
Have a beautiful day all!
Much love
Coach Jackie
Your Freedom Mentor
Oh and bonus is my Roxy girl no longer has the runs! Woohoo! Win! 🤣💩🤪
📸View of part of the property ouside our front door.