The day we’ve been waiting for has finally arrived!

“She Leads from Within: Intuitive Thought Leadership is Changing the Way Women Do Business” is now available!
This isn’t just a book; it’s a movement.

A manifesto for the modern woman ready to redefine the business world on her own terms.

And we have a special launch offer for you.

You can own a digital copy today for just $0.99!

Yes, you read that right!

To celebrate our launch and help propel “She Leads from Within” to bestseller status, we’re offering the digital copy of our groundbreaking book for only $0.99 ($1.99 in Canada and $1.65 in Australia).

This is your chance to be a part of something truly special and transformative at an incredible value.

Digital and print copies of our book are available in over 40,000 bookstores around the world … however, we are asking that you please order your digital copy from Amazon to help us reach international bestseller status.

This goal is a big one. But with your help, we know we can do it!

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By securing your copy today, you’re not just investing in a book, you’re supporting a community of women leaders and visionaries poised to make a lasting impact.

Not only does your purchase help our authors become bestselling authors … but a portion of the proceeds goes to Women United, a global nonprofit that supports women worldwide.

Please order your digital copy today and leave us a 5-star review to give us the boost we need to create the biggest impact we can!

Much love,
Coach Jackie