If you told me five years ago this would be my life I would have thought you were crazy. Living in an RV was the furthest from my dreams you can imagine after the last family vacation we took in one when I was younger. Not fun! 🤣
But it is and I’m so beyond grateful and still love it after 2 years.
You see I always wanted my own business ever since I was a kid! And I always thought it would be a restaurant.
Because that is what I knew for so long!
The fact that coaching fell into my lap when I have never done or heard anything like it blows my mind.
But now I get it. I get that I cannot control the how or the when. We do not have that power. It’s already planned for us.
What we do get to control is ourselves and the process. Not the outcome.
So I sit here in awe filled with joy and love that God gave me this vehicle to use my gifts so I can live the life I didn’t even know I was dreaming about.
I’m so grateful to myself for grabbing on to the opportunity, receiving it and not ignoring it or pushing it away.
So next time some weird combination of things start to happen to you and your gut says this is it but your brain says it’s not safe step back listen to your gut. It never lies!!
Much love
Coach Jackie
Your Freedom Mentor