Last year I kept feeling the tug on my heart to open a monthly membership that helps people get coaching at a lower investment so they can have a community surrounding them that is supportive and uplifting while still getting direct contact with me.

I kept putting this on hold because I was listening to the outside noise about high tickets only and don’t waste time on the low ticket.

As we approach our year anniversary of the group, my heart is so full of joy and excitement for where we have been and what’s to come!!

The Destiny Makers membership is a passion project of mine that I’m determined to build and make the best I can with each day, month, and years to come!

I believe in building this ship as we go and letting my members build it with me! I ask them what they like, didn’t like, wanted to keep, what they wanted more of, etc.

Here is one of the responses from Shawna Rasch who only joined us a couple months ago. I’m beyond blessed to have her light shining in this group!

I’m so excited to grow this amazing community and look forward to all the things that I’m bringing in 2023!

Much love
Coach Jackie
Your Freedom Mentor and RV Adventurist