Excited and anxious at the same time.
Happiness with a dash of fear.
Dang duality!
Why would I be anxious over an amazing vacation with my love you ask?
I’ve decider to commit to fully disconnecting from social, messenger, etc for the week.
Not because of any fear of the business or being forgotten or anything like that.
Its because being an RV nomad without a local in person community, I see connecting in these places as my way to fill my cup through sharing stories with all of you.
I like conversations with other amazing humans and pulling this out of my way of daily being that has been serving me brings a sense of anxiety that I didn’t realize I would have making this commitment.
The other part is Mike isn’t a talker like me and I might just drive him crazy if he is the only one to talk to! Lol
I know, I’ll most likely meet people there and create even more in person connections.
And. . .
It’s time for me to relax and truly honor and embody the BEing that I teach my clients.
To connect with me and my higher power in silence and BE present to hear what the messages and downloads that I am meant to hear and feel.
Time to go deeper.
Deeper into trust
Deeper into self
Deeper into love
And when I get back next week I will be excited to share my learning lessons and experiences from honoring self.
Let’s be honest. . . Doing less and BEing more in trust and love is the next level.
So why do we avoid it?
Its uncomfortable and unknown and its time to become familiar and one with this unknown beauty.
This week take some time to BE.
I mean really BE and get quiet.
Its scary and uncomfortable.
Trust me I know!!
You are safe!
You are loved!
This is my last post and wishing you an amazing week filled with trust and love!
Much love
Coach Jackie