They serve 1000s of people a week and save 10s of thousands pounds of food from being thrown away in the landfill.
Lots of donations are made from grocery stores, costco, etc and they also buy over $7k in quality produce and dry goods a week to provide quality stuff for people in the Gypsum and Edwards area.
Today was truck day and wow there was a lot delivered and it totally brought back my restaurant days memories!! I remember how truck days were the best weight lifting workouts ever!
Michael J. Morris and I haven’t been part of a community ever with all of our moving and traveling for the past 8 years.
When we landed here I craved the ability to give back and volunteer. I tried big brother/sister and since im not here full time they didnt have a spot for me. So im back in the food industry again! And I’m excited to do more!
And btw I would hire everyone I met today! Great people!
If you want more information ill drop it in the chat.
Where do you volunteer? Lets share and drop links in the chat.
Much love all!
Coach Jackie