These are the cards Mike and I pulled on the flight to Mexico right after I posted about being absent from social for the week and being present for self for the 7 days of vacation.
No coincidence that they are perfectly lined up with my experiences and messaging lately with you all over the last few months.
1. I recognize that I have chosen fear, and I choose again, I CHOOSE LOVE!
Who can relate to choosing fear over love??
I bet all of us! Lol
This week when the fear kicks in over things like family, health, money, business, relationships etc I will pause and choose love by being present in the abundance of love and not entertaining the stories that are coming from the ego or the part that wants to stay safe.
Once again I had a situation thay reminded me to always choose love!
Are you with me?
2. I find a deeper meaning and personal growth amid the discomfort.
This one perfectly describes the recent journey I have been sharing about my dad with dementia and how much I have grown for the better through the discomfort of that experience. And every day since the deeper meaning of it all is showing me more and more in who I’m choosing to be.
What are your thoughts on these two cards?
What comes to you when you read them?
Please share in the comments below.
Much love