Wow does the Universe have messages for me and you! When I lean on the FAITH of the universe PEACE becomes REAL (Friday’s card) This one aligns with what I do as a coach for others. The number one feedback I get from my clients is that I help them learn how to...
Today I’m getting my eyes checked to find out what’s causing this random blurriness in my right eye that hasn’t gone away. I pulled my card to start my day and it made me think about what healing I need to do underneath this issue. What am I worried...
Why do we fight against what’s good for us?? Gym is a great example most of us can relate to. Logically we know that when we go and are done we feel a shit ton better and our day goes way better! Yet we argue with ourselves for reasons why we don’t need to...
I got the honor to be on the “Just Between Coaches with Melinda Cohan” and the episode just went live today!! Making Coaching an Adventure was the theme. In this episode, Melinda and I talk about some of the following nuggets: My visualization of success...
I freaked out at the grocery store when Michael J. Morris scanned the two organic ribeye cut bison steaks and they were $20 each! Enter Jackie’s old money story. . . That’s too expensive! We don’t need them! $40 is a lot! They aren’t on sale!...