Going back to my RV home in Colorado today! Got to the airport and I had no flight with United on file. They blame Expedia and Expedia blames them. The change was in the Expedia app but United had no record apparently. But then found a spot on the plane and charged me...
Just breathe. . . Everything is temporary. . . Everything is not fixable and that’s ok. . . Everything works out for me, you and us. . . Just breathe. . . Do I stay or go. . . Everyday is unknown. . . There is no right time. . . Just breathe. . . It’s safe...
Great day with dad, my brother and my niece. Started with a bagpipe player at his place and then went to his favorite diner and then the waterfront. That didn’t last long because it was so windy!! Grateful for all the moments I get to have with family while out...
Life by design not default! The beach and sun solo time with my journal, family time with dad and bro, Italian food from a local mom and pop, flowers to smell when I get home, a coaching session for me, and some mama time. We get to choose the day we desire to have....
Such a great call with my mastermind ladies!! Couple takeaways: 1. Are you reacting or responding to things in your life? There is a big difference! Today I had to pause in my reaction to something and ask myself thia question and decide how i was going to respond. I...