Who’s ready to catapult their growth into 2024?? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not rushing 2023 cause there is lots to enjoy still! I’ve been having a similar conversation lately with many of my clients, peers, and mentors about an energy of...
Ever feel that good tired at the end of a day? That tired that is filled with so much joy, love and fulfillment. The tired that you look at the kitchen and say yeah im not gonna cook tonight and thats ok. The tired day that you reflect upon and say to yourself, I love...
Amazing Destiny Makers membership call today! The first week of the month we celebrate August and speak into our intentions for September! The coolest part was instead of hearing surface level goals I heard deep and meaningful celebrations and intentions that were...
This pic is from 7 years ago when Michael J. Morris and I took 3 of his kids on our first trip together as a couple and family to Virginia Beach to go tent camping. 9 months into our relationship and he takes me in the middle of a hurricane to go tent camping! Lol We...
Jimmy Buffet is one of the best examples of using your gifts to change the world through joy, love and service. He brought so much joy to world just by fully owning who he is and sharing it with the world. Whatever your gifts are, share them with the world! The world...