Deep thoughts. . .

By Coach Jackie

All parts included!
All parts included!

I was brought to tears this morning when a friend shared this with me because it reminded them of me. It reminded me how beautiful each of us are when we are just being our authentic self. All parts included! The messy ones, The organized ones, The joyful ones, The...

What is one decision you made that changed your life direction?
What is one decision you made that changed your life direction?

So fricken true!! What is one decision you made that changed your life direction? I know there are so many to choose from! Let's share, inspire and celebrate these decisions! Your share might inspire someone else to make a new decision that changes their life! Much...

We all wear many hats in our everyday lives.
We all wear many hats in our everyday lives.

We all wear many hats in our everyday lives. Some we love and some not so much. Im curious. . . . What hats do you wear now in your life? And What hats do you want to wear less or get rid of? And What news hats would you like to start wearing? I mean we all need some...

Life is about having fun!
Life is about having fun!

Life is about having fun! If its not fun why do it?? We were clearing the room and table to do a picture of all of us and someone said we can get on the table. . . .so I did!! What I've learned on the journey to OWNING who the FUCK I am is that I get to be me and...

Slow down, breathe, connect with mother nature and its medicine
Slow down, breathe, connect with mother nature and its medicine

On one of our stops on our jeep tour through the mountains in Gatlinburg TN we made our way to the river and I took a moment to ground myself in the water barefoot. I took a quick picture to show my wellness coach, Anna Boyer Jennings that I was doing my water...

My heart is full because of these women this week!
My heart is full because of these women this week!

My heart is full because of these women this week! Im beyond blessed to have each one of them in my life. They inspire me to be better everyday. They love each other like I've never seen. They support each other with kindness. They own who they are more and more each...

Day 2 in the books!
Day 2 in the books!

Day 2 in the books! After our fun photo shoot we had an amazing coaching session of identifying the old stories that are holding us back and rewriting them fit the future! More to come on that tomorrow! Then we did a jeep tour of the Smokey mountains. We met this fun...

We did a fun photo shoot today with Astia!
We did a fun photo shoot today with Astia!

We did a fun photo shoot today with Astia! This is the first retreat I am hosting having a photographer on site and its been so much fun for all of us to have fun in front of the camera! One of the fun parts was playing with all the hats I own that myself and some of...

They made it!
They made it!

They made it! Already had some amazing conversations a couple hours into all arriving. My heart is so full and ready to have an amazing week with these badass women! Freedom and Adventure Retreat #2! Let's do this! Much love Coach Jackie
