Deep thoughts. . .

By Coach Jackie

Soulsister. . . .always remember. . . .
Soulsister. . . .always remember. . . .

Soulsister. . . .always remember. . . . As I sit here on arrival day for my second retreat I have all sorts of thoughts swirling in my head. Will they learn and grow? Will I provide enough to make the change? Will we be different when we leave? Will I be good enough...

Really loving the no-man’s land Colorado area we are in!
Really loving the no-man’s land Colorado area we are in!

Golden sunkissed mountains on one side and none on the other while walking the pups. I truly love how different nature out here looks minute to minute. Really loving the no-man's land Colorado area we are in! Off to Denver to visit some friends and then off to...

Why are you a Bad Ass on your world?
Why are you a Bad Ass on your world?

Why are you a Bad Ass on your world? Let's get loud and proud and share our Badassery with the world! I have many reasons im a badass but this pic reminded me of how the first time I went ax throwing I was fricken awesome at it! Bullseyes left and right! The team that...

Believe! Trust! Surrender! Receive!
Believe! Trust! Surrender! Receive!

I'm once again blown away and beyond grateful for the powerful women who showed up for my Trust Factor Masterclass!! They were real, present, vulnerable, supportive, powerful, and ready to make shifts to trust themselves more everyday! Im honored to serve these women...

Glasses are a trigger for me
Glasses are a trigger for me

Triggers. . . . Glasses are a trigger for me. . . I was that awkward chunky elementary kiddo with the boys haircut that would get mistaken for a boy by the school nurse and who was hiding the fact that she couldn't read the chalk board. The teacher noticed my...

Are you fulfilled after a busy day at the job?
Are you fulfilled after a busy day at the job?

Oh my where has this day gone! Crazy how fast a day can go by when you're having fun with the work you do! Are you fulfilled after a busy day at the job? After you complete your hours for the job are you able to disconnect and feel joy for what you got done and enjoy...

Happy 3rd birthday Grayson!
Happy 3rd birthday Grayson!

We love this grand kiddo so much and miss him dearly! Today back in Virginia his mom threw him the best 3rd birthday party ever and sent us the video of him opening one of our gifts and I can't stop watching it! We love you guys so much and cant wait to be there for...

Good Sunday morning all!!
Good Sunday morning all!!

Good Sunday morning all!! Hope everyone enjoyed the extra hour of sleep. My body said nah... you're still getting up at the normal 6am, aka 5am, that we usually do. Lol What are you up to today?
