Deep thoughts. . .
By Coach Jackie
21 days till my next Freedom and Adventure Retreat retreat
21 days till my next Freedom and Adventure Retreat retreat!!! Where powerful women come together in community, get real and raw, laugh a ton, get spoiled, cry a bit, own our magic more, and leave more free to be them in the world! Once you experience these 5 days you...
My heart is full!
My heart is full! Today was one of those days that I woke up slow-moving, not quite sure about my energy, and bordering on negative thoughts to start the day. I know the concept, and teach it to my clients, of choice and the power we have to change our thoughts and...
Money. . . So interesting what I have witnessed recently and over the years.
Money. . . So interesting what I have witnessed recently and over the years. You know how they say that the truth comes out when we are in altered states of being? I've noticed with some personal life experiences with self and others I love around me, that when...
Ahhhh love this kiddo soooo much!
Ahhhh love this kiddo soooo much! I'm gonna say it. . . . My grandson is the cutest grandson out there!! And the coolest Spiderman! Miss you and your mama lots!! Thank you for face-timing us while trick or treating. Granddad and Grandma Jackie love you to pieces!
Took a day trip to Red Cliff
Took a day trip to Red Cliff and Minturn Colorado today. Saw an abandoned mining community and some amazing views. So much beauty in this state!
Business Woman of the Year Award
Im beyond grateful for being voted for by the powerful, beautiful souls of the #polkadotpowerhouse for the business woman of the year award!! I appreciate each and everyone of you for your kindness, support, recognition, connection and love you have given me all year!...
It’s Glow Time
Big hair for the pink and orange party! These ladies know how to party! I know I look like an 80s chick who got dressed in the dark. Lol #polkadotpowerhouse #dotcelebration2023 #itsglowtime
Diamond Polkadot Powerhouse get-together
Diamond Polkadot Powerhouse get-together before the big Celebration event starts tomorrow officially! Looking for an amazing sisterhood that is all over the country and international? Let me know and I'll connect you! I want to give a huge shout-out to Elaine Turso...
Oh the memories. . .
Oh the memories. . . This was taken back in 2013 when I was officially divorced and in the dating phase of my life! I remember feeling super cute and confident in the way I looked for the dating journey. And what's crazy is that during this time was when Mike and I...