You are on decision away from a totally different life. . . I just got a fb memory that 9 years ago I was with a man that I thought was my forever person. He wrote me this note in the picture and boy was I giddy! We had such a strong connection in all ways right off...
Save the date!!! Time to embody your dreams and desires! When: March 28th 1pm pst/ 4pm est. What: Step into yout FREEDOM VISION from a done place!! Where: Via zoom- sign up here Why: You brain and the...
Dad is getting this selfie thing down!! He initiated duck lips and then got sassy and stuck his tongue out! Lol. Love him! I got to spend a beautiful sunshiny day with him and his good friend Fred. We laughed a lot! Then I got to go see mom and she had a rough morning...
Friday was #internationalwomensday2024 and I loved seeing all the posts of supporting each other and the love being shared! After meeting with two of my amazing self-lead, successful, badass clients this morning I realized the same thing came up for both women . . ....
Yesterday my day got away from me and I never posted about international women’s day. There are so many beautiful women I have met over the years that I want to celebrate for being amazing!! Cheers to you all! Today I want to celebrate one in particular and...