If we have talked about connecting or being on your podcast or anything like that over the last 2 months please reach out to me again so we can get it done! I’m just getting my business legs back on! Lol Thank you in advance for your grace! Much love...
“People love being around this woman. She is a light when she walks in the room and everyone sees that. They are drawn to her. She is pure magic. To others. . . not herself. What she doesn’t realize is that she is worthy of all the love, wealth,...
One year ago. . . .crazy the difference a year can make in your life. Stop waiting to live the freedom life you truly desire! Stop telling yourself that one day you will go for it and become the priority! Stop waiting to enjoy life on your terms until the kids are...
I love my eyes! I take time each day to look in the mirror and find what I love about myself today. Today I noticed my eyes. After this past 2 months with my dad I’ve noticed so much more beauty about this body I was given. Not remotely the healing and awakening...
Back in my winter wonderland! First day back to talking dogs after 2 months and even with the cold in so happy to back to my movement and my pups! The frozen trees, mountains and river bring such a peace over me that I forget the cold around me. Today I am starting...