Christmas turned out amazing! I woke up saying it would and it did! Started with my grandson Grayson and his mama video-calling me which brings me soooo much joy to start the day! Then granddaughter Melody and her mama called while driving so not pics but man she...
Me: Why did you hire me? Clients: Your energy! Me: What is your favorite outcome after working with me? Clients: More peace and calm within myself and in my...
Decide December. . .Decide to Trust your inner knowing. Yesterday I had my final call of the year for my membership and it was bittersweet because we celebrated so much and I am closing the membership for a while to reassess. One of the members thanked me for being an...
My BEing Selfish for me time update. . . . Crashed hard at 11pm and slept straight through till the 555am alarm. That made me giggle since one of the main reasons I did this was to get a good night sleep without being woken up by my dad. Lol Fell back asleep till...
Why dad’s journey has become my growth journey. . . . I love how the duality of life can teach us so much. We don’t always see it that way at the moment. In the moment we feel like. . . What the heck?? During that WTH moment was when a good friend of mine got...