Deep thoughts. . .

By Coach Jackie

So grateful for these women!
So grateful for these women!

These women have shown me that people do stay in my life and I won't be abandoned. We all have our stories from when we were younger and mine was one of abandonment and don't get too close because they leave and I dont matter. I've known these beautiful souls for over...

Christmas turned out amazing!
Christmas turned out amazing!

Christmas turned out amazing! I woke up saying it would and it did! Started with my grandson Grayson and his mama video-calling me which brings me soooo much joy to start the day! Then granddaughter Melody and her mama called while driving so not pics but man she...

Why did you hire me?
Why did you hire me?

Me: Why did you hire me? Clients: Your energy! Me: What is your favorite outcome after working with me? Clients: More peace and calm within myself and in my life!

Decide to Trust your inner knowing.
Decide to Trust your inner knowing.

Decide December. . .Decide to Trust your inner knowing. Yesterday I had my final call of the year for my membership and it was bittersweet because we celebrated so much and I am closing the membership for a while to reassess. One of the members thanked me for being an...

My BEing Selfish for me time update. . .
My BEing Selfish for me time update. . .

My BEing Selfish for me time update. . . . Crashed hard at 11pm and slept straight through till the 555am alarm. That made me giggle since one of the main reasons I did this was to get a good night sleep without being woken up by my dad. Lol Fell back asleep till...

Why dad’s journey has become my growth journey. . . .
Why dad’s journey has become my growth journey. . . .

Why dad's journey has become my growth journey. . . . I love how the duality of life can teach us so much. We don’t always see it that way at the moment. In the moment we feel like. . . What the heck?? During that WTH moment was when a good friend of mine got real...

What a perfect ending to my me day!
What a perfect ending to my me day!

What a perfect ending to my me day! Chilling in bed in my dark room watching Hallmark movies for half the day with no guilt. Got the best pedi they had on the menu with scrubs, multiple massages, soaking, and gel polish. Delicious dinner and drinks with one of my...

I see you. I feel you. I can help you.
I see you. I feel you. I can help you.

You stay strong to "muscle" through just to be seen as a success when it's killing you slowly inside. You say "I got it" and don't ask for help even though you know you need it cause you are burning out. You say "yes" to things you aren't designed for out of...

“Empower your next level women. . . .”
“Empower your next level women. . . .”

"Empower your next level women. . . ." What does that mean? Releasing what doesn't serve you Setting boundaries for self Clear confident and consistent communication Saying No/Yes to what serves your values Embracing vulnerability as strength Stop people pleasing...
