Deep thoughts. . .

By Coach Jackie

We create our experience in our current reality
We create our experience in our current reality

We create our experience in our current reality. . . easy, hard, stressful, peaceful, fun, etc What could have been stressful and hard with family, travel, and moving turned into easy and fun because I decided it would be. My moment to moment mantra is "Everything...


DECEMBER POP UP kicks off I've had many conversations and requests for info on how I created my biz without a website, opts ins, email lists etc for the first couple years and still made consistent 6 figure years. Sooo I'm going to teach it! I'm tired of those things...

Thankful for the Freedom Life!
Thankful for the Freedom Life!

Thankful for the Freedom Life! Today decide to trust your desires are already done and the path is already created. Trust and move! Go for what is already done! Much love Coach Jackie Your Freedom Mentor and RV Adventurist

Today I am thankful for…  me!
Today I am thankful for… me!

Today I am thankful for... me! As I create this I have thoughts of being "humble" and changing it back to thanking everyone else in my life for being amazing. Humble definition: to have or show a low estimate of ones importance. Generationally we have been taught that...

Counting all the blessings
Counting all the blessings

Counting all the blessings from this night! Having everyone in one room since 2005 at my wedding. 😲 Having all the grandkids surrounding my folks all grown up. 🤯 My 91 year old dad 86 yesr old mom dancing and laughing.💃 My first niece marrying...

It Gets to Be Easy!!
It Gets to Be Easy!!

It Gets to Be Easy!! 😢Feeling trapped but "making it work". 😢Feeling unhappy but faking the "I'm fine". 😢Feeling desire for more but staying in the safe known. Any of these sound familiar? This was me during my last year of my restaurant...

A good night’s sleep tonight before the big day!
A good night’s sleep tonight before the big day!

A good night's sleep tonight before the big day! Checked in to our cute little Air BNB near the beach and near my folks in Toms River. Stopped in Newark Delaware for our traditional Amalfi's Pizza to have for dinner. They make the best supreme pizza! If ever near...

Destiny Makers
Destiny Makers

Destiny Makers It Gets To Be Easy!! Your 6 Figure Business and Beyond An amazing mix of strategy and mindset- inner and outer game! 6-week Live Group Coaching with me and fellow like minded women Are you doing all the things and getting no results? Does marketing your...

Full Time RVing
Full Time RVing

Welcome to full time RVing in the fall/winter! So much empty space around us. This campground is huge and we lucked out with a spot near the tent area which won't be used much. We will be here till then end of the year while we take a week. It's also been over a year...
