Deep thoughts. . .
By Coach Jackie
It all starts with a Vision…..
It all starts with a Vision..... That Vision can be hard to see clearly at first. That Vision can feel like a huge mountain to climb. That Vision can feel so far away. So did walking, talking, and even going potty one time in our life! But we did it! We didn't give up...
What is a “health” journey about for you?
What is a "health" journey about for you? Weight loss? Fit clothes better? To be a certain size? Less pain? Clear brain? Better skin? Lower blood pressure? Improve cholesterol? Everyone has a reason and a point of disgust in how they feel with any one of these or all...
It’s been 10 years. . .
It's been 10 years. . . 10 years since my brother passed, dad had a stroke, and nephew was going through the beginnings of leukemia. I've had amazing energy all week and today I woke up a bit lethargic and heavy. I then pulled my daily card and saw my fb memories that...
What did you decide you wanted to call in for 2023?
What did you decide you wanted to call in for 2023? What is that vision? Can you see the vision? Can you feel the vision? Can you hear the vision? When you have the vision and it's done. . . What will it feel like? What will you hear around you? What will you see...
I was done with the unknown
So I've been on a new journey and man have I been fighting it the whole way! 🤣🤣🤣 I decided in November to start the journey with a functional nutritionist to really learn about my body and what needed to change so I could feel the best I can in...
We walk together to help each other create our freedom
Ever look up and be surrounded by people and feel so alone? That was me many times in my part restaurant career. Crazy amounts of people every day and yet minimal true connections were made. People used to tell me that being in business for yourself can be...
Honored to serve
I'm so honored to serve the women I get to serve! My magic is in the mentorship of others. Having the ability to stand side by side with my clients and honor and trust their feedback, suggestions, and ideas will serve everyone and make the experience richer than it is...
I am Coach Jackie, your Freedom Mentor and RV adventurist
If we haven't met yet Hello! I am Coach Jackie your Freedom Mentor and RV adventurist. I am crazy passionate about helping you awaken, empower and own yourself so that you can experience the Freedom life you truly desire and deserve! Through all my programs I foster...
Be YOU, my friend!!
Be YOU my friend!! It's the only way to truly be happy 😊 Stop hiding behind what you think you "should be" to be liked.Stop hiding behind what you think is the "right" thing to do.Stop hiding behind a version of you that's a lie. Yes everyone won't like...